


Man of Lawlessness

Theme: The Program for the World in Connection with the Coming of Christ to Earth.

© Michael K. Farrar, O.D.


Please consider reading the entire first Chapter of 2 Thessalonians sometime during each day of the week. This will help you absorb the content of the chapter as well as gain spiritual truths from this marvelous book of the Bible. You will be amazed at the insights that will come from such consistent readings, as well as the growth of your spiritual knowledge. You will also notice how God’s Word will impact your life in the way you relate to your Heavenly Father as well as think, act and treat others around you.


In order for this devotional to help you learn and apply what is beneficial to your spiritual growth, I would encourage you to approach this devotional study with a commitment to observe these five steps each day.


First, pray before you read the scripture, that you will seek to both understand and apply what you learn.

(Psalms 119)


Second, read the scripture passage with a passion and a desire to be convicted by what you read.

(Psalms 37:29-31)


Thirdly, seek to meditate and absorb what you read and respond to how the Holy Spirit will convict you to act.

(John 16:13-15)


Fourthly, challenge yourself how you might apply the convictions that come from the scripture and the Spirit.

(Psalms 1:1-3)


Fifthly, pray once again, that you will consistently act upon what the Holy Spirit is prompting you to do.

(James 1:22-25)


Below each portion of scripture I may at times present additional information helpful to understanding the passage. I will always give you questions for your consideration and to stimulate action on your part. You may not wish to explore each question, but I would challenge you to seek to address most if not all of the points I lay before you to gain the most from the devotional.




“1 Now we request you, brethren, with regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, 2 that you not be quickly shaken from your composure or be disturbed either by a spirit or a message or a letter as if from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come.”


Here in verse one Paul shares how followers of Christ will be gathered together to meet the Lord on the Day of Christ. The expression “gathering together” occurs only twice in the New Testament, here and in Hebrews 10:25, where it refers to the gathering of Christians for fellowship to worship the Lord. John Phillips in his commentary on 2 Thessalonians states, “One major reason for our “gathering together” down here with those who love the Lord and are of like precious faith is that it is a foretaste of our gathering in the air. We are gathered together unto Him now (Matthew 18:20); we shall be gathered together with Him then. His presence in our midst is invisible now; it will be visible then.”


* Do you faithfully attend a church of your choice where you fellowship with other Christians? Attending church is not a process of sitting, soaking and souring, it’s an opportunity for you to hear the Word of God and learn now to apply it to your life. It is an opportunity to worship God in song and celebration. It is an opportunity for you to truly fellowship in love with others who belong to the family of God. If you do not attend a church on a regular basis, I would challenge you to seek out and find a church fellowship where you can fellowship with other believers on a regular basis.


Here in verse 1 Paul addresses a most concerning problem that was circulating within the Thessalonian fellowship of believers. Some individuals, with a contentious, divisive or inflammatory spirit, were attempting to cause confusion within the minds of the Christians. It is obvious that false teachers were spreading discord and possibly even circulating documents they had written themselves purporting them to be written by Paul. Paul here is attempting to calm and stabilize the Christians in Thessalonica in their spiritual faith. He wished for them to restore their composure and to avoid being disturbed by these false teachings.


Paul uses the Greek word “saleuo” for “shaken” which means, “agitate, rock, topple or by implication destroy and disturb.” False teaching and malicious rumors can disturb the faith among followers of Christ at times, especially as it relates to doctrine which is vital to their spiritual life. Paul used the Greek word “nous” for the word “composure” which means the “intellect, mind, thought, feeling or will.” Our intellect or mind is influenced not only by God’s Word, but also the Holy Spirit to move us to a godly composure. Doctrinal error can disturb our spiritual composure if we fail to focus on the leading of the Holy Spirit or do not screen our perceptions of what we hear through the Holy Scriptures. Paul also uses the Greek word “throeo” for “disturbed” in this verse. It means “clamor or troubled.” This word describes what can happen in a believer’s life of faith if they fail to remain grounded in the faith. We form a firm foundation when we base our life on obeying the teachings of Christ, meditating on His Word, praying on a regular basis, respecting the Holy Spirit’s ministry in our life and fellowshipping with other strong Christians.


* Have you ever been shaken, disturbed or concerned when you heard something regarding the Christian faith that did not seem to match what you have been taught? Very likely it was because the Holy Spirit within you was bringing this to your attention or previous correct teaching you received in the Word told you that something was not right. How should you respond when you have such spiritual convictions? How would any or all of the following help; looking into the Bible, prayer, seeking advice from a strong Christian friend, speaking with your pastor, elder or small group leader?

* What are some ways we can spot false doctrine and discern truth from error in what we hear concerning spiritual matters?

* How would you calm someone or put them at rest in their mind if they were confused and upset with hearing some false doctrine? What role would prayer have in your counsel with them? What role would looking in God’s Word have? If you could not calm them or clear up their concerns, is there someone you could refer them to help them?

* The Thessalonians were afraid that they had missed the Day of Christ and were left on the earth to endure the Great Tribulation. They were also concerned that their dead relatives who were believers had not been resurrected. Paul wanted to alleviate these fears with correct Biblical teaching and encouragement. While John had not written his gospel yet, we are blessed to have it in our Bibles today. Do a study of John chapter 6, especially verses 40, 44 and 54. Notice the encouragement we have of knowing that Jesus Christ will raise us up on the last day. Whether we will be raised from the grave to be with Him or raised into the heavens to meet Him in the air, we WILL be raised up. What does this encouragement mean to you? What importance does it have to your friends and relatives who do not know Christ as their Lord and Savior? How can you share the Gospel with such people?

* Look up the following scriptures and compare how they speak of the “Day of Christ;” 1 Corinthians 1:8, 5:5; 2 Corinthians 1:14, Philippians 1:10; 2:16, 1 Thessalonians 4:16. Are you ready for the Day of Christ to come, the day when He returns to gather His followers into the air to be with Him? What are some spiritual aspects of your life that need improvement so that you are ready for the Day of Christ to occur?


Paul is also continuing here to instruct the followers of Christ at Thessalonica on the topic of the return of Christ at the rapture of the church (the Day of Christ) as well as at the end of the Great Tribulation for judgment (at the end of the Day of the Lord). Dr. Thomas Constable, former Dallas Theological Seminary Professor states regarding these end time events, “The Day of the Lord is the period of history mentioned repeatedly in the Old Testament during which God will bring judgment and blessing on the people of the earth in a more direct, dramatic, and drastic way than ever before (compare Isaiah 13:6, 9; Zephaniah 1:14-16). From other New Testament revelation concerning this period of time it is believed that this will begin after the Rapture of the church, and will include the Tribulation and the Millennium.” The Rapture of the church will take place when Christ returns in the air, otherwise known as “The Day of Christ.” Then the tribulation (Daniel 9:24-27, Matthew 24:7-9) will begin which takes place during the Day of the Lord. The end of the tribulation will occur at the end of the “Day of the Lord” when Christ returns to judge the world. He will return His Christians and angels to do battle. Afterwards He will set up His Kingdom on earth which is also called the “Millennium” and it will last a thousand years.




“3 Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, 4 who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God.”


Here Paul gives a command and instruction as to the order of events during the end of time as we know it. While this was written in the first century, we are still waiting like the Thessalonian Christians for these events to take place. His instruction to “let no one in any way deceive you” still applies. It is interesting that Paul doesn’t simply state, “let no one deceive you,” he states, “let no one IN ANY WAY deceive you!” The Greek word Paul uses for “deceive” is “exapatao” which means to “seduce wholly or beguile.”

Paul was concerned about the impressions some false teachers were having on the Thessalonian Christians with their false statements about the return of Christ. Evidently one false teaching they were circulating was that the Thessalonian believers had missed the Rapture! This warning stated here applies to us today. We should avoid being led astray in any manner when it comes to spiritual truth and doctrine, as well as when the Day of Christ and the Day of the Lord take place.


* How can you protect yourself from being deceived by false teachers? Discuss this caution with a few other Christians and come up with ways each of you can help one another avoid being deceived “in any way” by false teachings.


Charles Swindoll states the following regarding the events that must take place during the Day of the Lord; “Four words summarize Paul’s description of the Day of the Lord: defiance (verses 3-4), delay (verses 5-7), destruction (verses 8-10), and delusion (verses 11-12).”


Paul here mentions the first two of four events that must take place during the Day of the Lord. The Day of the Lord refers to the time of God’s righteous intervention in history when He will serve out His judgment on the nations of the earth (Joel 1:15; 2:1-2, 31-32; Zepahniah 1:14-18). First in this verse Paul mentions the “apostasy” must come first (Swindoll’s term is Defiance). The apostasy will be a blasphemous act of unprecedented magnitude. We think the world is evil and full of sin today, nothing in the history of mankind will compare to the rampant sin dominated society during the “apostasy.”


* Apostasy is the renunciation and abandonment of religious belief. In what ways does our modern world renounce Christianity? Do you think the United States has abandoned some of its Christian religious heritage? How has this affected our American society? How has this affected Christians in America? Has it affected you as well? If you are convicted that the “apostasy” of those around you has affected your Christian witness, pray to God and allow the Holy Spirit to identify those areas that have been spoiled by the world. Confess these areas of sin and move on in freedom in Christ, living as a holy child of God.


Paul also mentions the names “man of lawlessness” otherwise described as the “son of destruction.” This is the man that Satan will use to gain power over the entire world. In Holy Scripture there are at least 30 terms that refer to this man that will be used by Satan during the tribulation. In a sense, this “man of lawlessness” will be Satan’s campaign manager for world domination. He will rise to power quickly and eventually have ultimate rule over all of mankind. John MacArthur makes the following statement regarding this “man of lawlessness;”


“The apostle identified the apostasy by naming the key character connected with it: the man of lawlessness. Understanding who that key person is, is a prerequisite to identifying the apostasy event. “Anomia” (lawlessness) literally means “without law” (1 John 3:4). This person will be the consummate lawless one; a blasphemous sinner, who will live in open defiance of God’s law. Of all the billions of godless, evil, lawless sinners in human history, his evil influence will be greater than any other’s. Even in the end times, when “lawlessness is increased” (Matthew 24:12), this Satan-energized leader will stand out as the one whose depraved, wicked, lawless leadership sweeps over the whole world—with influence never before seen. Paul further described the man of lawlessness as the son of destruction. The expression son of is a Hebraism indicating a close association, or of the same kind, just as a son shares his father’s nature. The Antichrist will be so completely devoted to the destruction of all that relates to God’s purpose and plan that he can be said to be destruction personified. He is fixed for punishment and judgment; he is human trash for the garbage dump of hell. After initially posing as the friend of religion (Revelation 17:13), the Antichrist will suddenly reveal his true nature when he commits blasphemy against God and opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship (Revelation 13:15–16). Energized by Satan and aided by the false prophet, Antichrist will have immense power to successfully demand that the world worship him (Revelation 13:1–17). Satan, who has always longed to be worshiped (Isaiah 14:13–14), will fulfill that desire vicariously through the worship accorded Antichrist. The Antichrist will exalt himself by taking his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God. The temple, the symbol of God’s presence, is the most fitting place for Satan to orchestrate the ultimate act of blasphemy—a wicked man displaying himself as being God. This apostasy, to which Paul refers here and which Jesus called the “abomination of desolation” (Matthew 24:15), referring to Daniel’s prophecy, will take place at the midpoint of the Tribulation (Daniel 9:27). It will initiate God’s judgment on the world through Antichrist’s reign of terror during the second half of the Tribulation. At the end of that three-and-a-half-year period, Christ will return in glory to destroy Antichrist’s kingdom and all the ungodly. The Lord Jesus will cast him into the lake of fire along with his false prophet (Revelation 19:11–21).”


* Consider the following ways in which the “man of lawlessness” will influence people and rule the world during the Day of the Lord. First, the fact hat all Christians will be gone, having been taken to be with Jesus on the Day of Christ. Secondly, he will be very likely be intelligent, articulate and persuasive in personality and skill. Thirdly, he will be empowered by Satan to do signs and wonders. How do these work together to sway people to believe in him? For comparison, how was Adolf Hitler a similar individual who swayed a nation to wage world war and attempt to exterminate the Jewish people? Does this future event of the “apostasy” and the appearance of the “man of lawlessness” convict you to share the Gospel with those who do not know Christ? How can you follow up with this conviction?




“5 Do you not remember that while I was still with you, I was telling you these things?”


Paul states in this verse that all these teachings he had previously shared with the Thessalonian believers when he preached and shared the Gospel with them. In this letter as in the last letter he sent, he is continuing to remind them of the importance of spiritual things. We often forget small things, but we also tend to forget important things, even critical spiritual truths that should guide our life. Paul is here giving a gentle reminder for the Christians in Thessalonica that there are very important things he had shared with them that they should never forget.


* How can we as followers of Christ continue to remember the important truths contained in scripture that are so necessary for our spiritual growth and daily walk of Christian calling? Make a list of holy habits you can begin to make a part of your life that will facilitate helping you remember the doctrines of your faith. Share this list with other Christian friends and see if they can add to your list. Hold one another accountable to improving in your ability to remember the truths of the Gospel.


“6 And you know what restrains him now, so that in his time he will be revealed.”


Paul mentions here in verse 6 that something is restraining (Swindoll’s term is Delay) the revealing of the “man of lawlessness.”He states this in such a way that he implies the Thessalonians had already been informed as to what or who is restraining this revelation. We see here that the history of mankind is not haphazard or random, but follows a definite plan guided by our Mighty God. Nothing is by accident or by chance. God is always working according to a predetermined plan to not only rescue those who believe in His Son, Jesus Christ, but also to judge those who reject His grace and mercy. We find in scripture that it is the Holy Spirit who performs this restraining of evil, both through His own direct power and influence, but also by working through the lives of Christians whom He inhabits.


* How does it comfort you to know that you live in a world guided by the will and mind of God? Does it bring you peace that God is always in control, that there are no accidents of which God is unaware? How can this help you share the Gospel with others who doubt God exists or that Jesus Christ died for their sins? How would you share this concept with those who have not accepted Christ as their Savior and Lord?

* Does it convict you to know that the restraint of evil in the world depends some on how you obey God’s Word and the Holy Spirit who indwells you? How can you be more submissive and responsive to the Holy Spirit in your life so evil in this world can be restrained in a godly fashion?




“7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way.”


Here Paul mentions the third activity that must take place before the beginning of The Day of the Lord, the removal of God restraining evil. During the Day of the Lord the “lawless one” will be revealed. The influence of the Holy Spirit empowering obedient spirit-filled Christians to restrain evil in one process through which there can be a godly restraint upon the evil world. Another is the direct influence of the Holy Spirit upon world events. Once these godly influences are removed on the Day of Christ, mankind will have nothing to restrain them from all forms of sinful and evil pursuits. While we consider our historical tract record of wars, atrocities, genocides and evil pursuits to be bad, it will pale compared to the time when Christians are removed from the world scene. The Holy Spirit will still be present, overseeing the events on the earth, but He will be holding back His influence to let the “apostasy” take place and the “man of lawlessness” be revealed and to also rise to power according to the will of God.


* In what ways does the knowledge that the Holy Spirit working through you and other Christians is restraining evil in the world challenge you to live more godly and spiritually responsible in your daily life? In what ways does it challenge you to share the gospel with others because the time of the Day of Christ is approaching? How does it convict you to know that those who do not come to salvation in Christ before He returns will be left on this earth during the time of the Holy Spirit removing His influence and God permitting the “man of lawlessness” to ravage the earth empowered by Satan?


“8 Then that lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His coming; 9 that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders, 10 and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved.”


Paul continues with the account of the end times of the earth as we know it. He tells us the future that is set for the “man of lawlessness.” He will be slain (Swindoll’s term is Destruction) by the Lord Jesus Christ. It is interesting how this is to be done by Jesus Christ. It is to be with the “breath of His mouth” and by the “appearance of His coming.” The Father, Son and Spirit brought all of creation into being by simply speaking it into existence. When Jesus Christ appears at the end of the Day of the Lord He will simply, with the breath of His spoken word, defeat the “man of lawlessness.”


Paul goes on to give us some additional information concerning the activities during the tribulation. The influence of Satan will be through this “man of lawlessness.” Satan will endow him with powerful evil supernatural powers. These Satanic powers of signs and wonders will be able to be accomplished by the “man of lawlessness” who will lead mankind to worship and follow him. Paul calls these supernatural abilities a “deception of wickedness.” Through wicked deception the “man of lawlessness” will deceive men and women into believing he is god in the flesh. He will seek their worship and service and will gain control over the entire population of mankind. We might ask how so many people could believe the lies and evil of this pawn of Satan. Paul gives the answer by stating that the people of the world “did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved.” Without the Truth of God, people perish because they have no means of discernment of truth and error. 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 speaks to this fact even during our time when it says;


“And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.”


1 John 2:8 also addresses the process by which darkness works on the heart and minds of people and like a thick veil hides the truth from their soul; “But the one who hates his brother is in the darkness and walks in the darkness, and does not know where he is going because the darkness has blinded his eyes.”


* How do you see darkness in the world as a tool of Satan to blind the eyes of those who do not believe? How can we as followers of Christ open the eyes of those who are blinded by this darkness?

* How important is it that we as Christians shine as lights on a hill (Matthew 5:14-16) so that the darkness can be removed from the lives of those who do not know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior?

* What role does the Holy Spirit play in convicting people of sin (John 16:7-10) so as to draw them to the light of God’s Truth? How does the Holy Spirit at times work in us to accomplish this goal? Does it related directly to us letting the Word of Christ dwell in our hearts richly (Colossians 3:16) as well as being filled with the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18)?




“11 For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false,”


Finally Paul shares the fourth action that will take place during the Day of the Lord comes about, the delusion (Swindoll’s term is also Delusion) of the unsaved. This “deluding influence” will be expressed in multiple ways. As always, Satan will work his deception in the lives of those who do not believe, multiplying deception upon deception. The “man of lawlessness” will also exert his Satan-empowered influence. Men and women will encourage each other in their deception because they will not possess the Truth of God. When God turns His face from people to leave them to their own thoughts, judgments and wisdom they are drawn not to light, but to darkness.


* What are some deluding influences that work in our world today to keep people from choosing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior?

* How can we as believers prepare people for the return of Christ and assist the Holy Spirit in opening their eyes to the Gospel of Jesus Christ?


“12 in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.”


Here Paul gives the reason for God allowing a deluding influence to lead people astray. People seek wicked pleasure when the Truth of God is not in their lives. We all know people who have chosen wicked pleasure rather than a holy godly life. They would rather enjoy the temporary pleasures of sin (Hebrews 11:24-26) than the eternal fulfillment of a relationship with Jesus Christ. Our Heavenly Father is always just and fair. He does not force salvation upon us, but gives us a choice to choose Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. If we continue to strive for wickedness and the pleasures of sin, He many times will leave us to our folly. This is what happens during the great tribulation. God will allow people to blindly walk to their doom, not because He is cruel or unloving, but because people continue over and over to reject His efforts to save them from the lies of Satan. All that is required to obtain eternal life is simply accepting the Truth of His Word, which is the Living Word, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.


* How does this picture of people seeking wicked pleasure during the great tribulation convict you to share the Gospel with people doing the same thing today? Does it cause a growing concern within you for their eternal state? Does it move you to first, share the gospel in how you live each day and secondly, to share with others the salvation that is available to them through God’s Son, Jesus Christ? Make a commitment to not only live more pure and holy in your life so your lifestyle can be a witness to others, but also that you will seek to speak the Gospel of Christ to those who do not know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.




“13 But we should always give thanks to God for you, brethren beloved by the Lord, because God has chosen you from the beginning for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and faith in the truth.”


What a contrast Paul makes here in this verse compared to the previous verses. He has been painting for the Thessalonian believers a horrible time in human history where people will devote themselves not only to perverse and wicked lifestyles but also to the “man of lawlessness.” Now he begins describing the glorious privileges we possess as followers of Christ! He encourages them (and us) to ALWAYS give thanks to God! Why, because first we are loved by the Lord. This is not a casual human love, it is an “agape” love, a sacrificial love, a love expressed by Jesus Christ on the cross. Secondly, Paul encourages them (and us) because we were chosen from the beginning to be saved. This fact is often hard for us to comprehend as we consider the role of God’s predestination of people for salvation and the free will that we perceive to have in responding to the Gospel. This is one of the mysteries in Holy Scripture, that God ordains certain people for salvation, but at the same time, giving all people free will to choose Christ as their Savior. I do not have time to go into detail in addressing this issue, nor do I believe that anyone can adequately explain it completely. But it is a fact that God does ordain those who are to be saved, while at the same time allowing for our free will to chose Christ as Savior. Paul shares that we are chosen to be His child through the sanctification of the Spirit and our faith in God’s Truth, which is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


* How blessed do you feel that God chose you to be His child? How should you respond to this fact in how you think, act and live?

* While the process of sanctification is a ministry of the Holy Spirit in your life, you also have a responsibility to have faith in God’s Truth. How do you respond to the ministry of the Spirit to make you more holy, do you comply or rebel? Do you fulfill your responsibility by having faith in God and living according to the example of Jesus Christ? How can you submit more consistently to the ministry of the Spirit in your life?

* While the concepts of predestination (God choosing those who are to be saved) and free-will of man seem to be conflicting ideas, are you able to embrace both God’s sovereignty and man’s free-will as not opposing truths, but complimentary to the divine plan of God? If not, pray that God will give you balance and understanding in this area. While it would seem that God has predetermined who will accept Christ, we are still commanded to spread and share the Gospel of Christ to the whole world. Are you sharing your faith with others as you should?

* Consider looking up the following verses to clarify the fact that both predestination and man’s free-will are concepts contained in the Word of God. Verses speaking of predestination; Matthew 22:14, Acts 13:48, John 6:37, 43-44, 65, Romans 8:29-30, 14-16, 1 Corinthians 2:14, 2 Thessalonians 2:13, 1 Peter 1:1-2. Verses speaking of man’s free-will; Proverbs 1:22-26, Matthew 11:28-29, 23:37, John 3:16-18, 11:25-26, Romans 10:12-13, Hebrews 10:26-28, 11:5-6.


“14 It was for this He called you through our gospel, that you may gain the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.”


Paul shares here the fact that God calls us through the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be His spiritual children. Our Heavenly Father calls us to respond to the salvation that is available through His Son, for the purposes that were mentioned in verse 13; to be sanctified and to have faith in the truth.


* Unfortunately Christians sometimes think that the salvation that they receive is only for their benefit. The truth is that God calls us to respond to His offer of salvation and to have a relationship with Him for many purposes. He calls us to worship and bring glory to Him in the way we live, to minister to those in need and to share the Gospel with others. We benefit from the grace, mercy and salvation given to us, but we must never forget that we are called by God for His purposes, not just to be rescued from our sins. How are you living out your salvation? Are you living for how you can serve Him or how He can serve you? All loving and meaningful relationships require a mutual responsibility of both parties. The Christian life is no different. Pray about ways you can respond to God in your relationship with Him to bring Him glory in all areas of your life.




“15 So then, brethren, stand firm and hold to the traditions which you were taught, whether by word of mouth or by letter from us.”


Paul here gives us the first correct response during hard times when we experience persecution and/or hardship, it is to stand firm in our faith that is established by the traditions of the Christian faith as laid out in His Holy Word!


* As you evaluate your Christian walk and witness, are you standing firm as you should? If not what Biblical traditions are you failing to observe that would help improve your walk with the Lord?

* If you feel you are deficient in understanding and applying the Biblical doctrines and teachings of Jesus Christ, what resources are available to you for improving your Christian life? Have you considered attending a small group fellowship or Bible study to learn more and grow deeper in the community of Christians with whom you fellowship? Have you considered having a Bible study on your own, reading application or devotional books on the Christian faith? Have you considered expanding your prayer time and/or putting your faith into action by serving in a ministry to others? Any of these will provide opportunities for you to grow and apply your faith in God and will enhance your abilities to stand strong during the storms of life.


“16 Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us eternal comfort and good hope by grace, 17 comfort and strengthen your hearts in every good work and word.”


Here Paul tells us the second correct response in evil times when we experience persecution and hardship. We should expect to see how our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will comfort and strengthen us in our relationship with Him. He will accomplish this in two ways. First God will work internally within us, as we serve our risen Lord and Savior by our focus on His love towards us and our response to the Holy Spirit in our lives. Secondly God will empower us in how we externally express our faith by putting our faith into action through service to others. There is a peace and fulfillment we receive when we obey God, speak truthfully and encouragingly in the midst of turmoil and strife. God gives us the peace that passes understanding (Romans 5:1-2, Philippians 4:7, Colossians 3:15-16, Psalms 29:11) as He comforts us with His Word (Psalms 119:50, 2 Corinthians 3:3-7). We must remember as followers of Christ that trusting in the midst of confusion produces stability.


* Do you feel encouraged that God loves you and had eternal comfort for you at all times? Are you also sustained in life by the fact that your Heavenly Father has given you a good hope, based on His limitless grace? How can you express thanks and praise towards God for this? Make a list of thought and action points you could pursue to demonstrate your appreciation towards God.


Notice here that Paul shows the close relationship between Jesus Christ and God the Father. This is further evidence for the fact that we serve a triune God, Father, Son and Spirit. We pray to our Heavenly Father, in the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus Christ and so we experience a relationship with God that is multifaceted, unique and overwhelming. The two names for God in 2 Thessalonians 2:16 are governed by a “singular” verb, not plural, which means they are equal.


* Some Christians focus more in their relationship with God on only one member of the Trinity, the Father, Jesus Christ or the Spirit. How can you have a more balanced relationship giving each of these persons of the Trinity, equal time and balance in your relationship with God?


Paul also mentions here in these verses three things God has given all followers of Christ and two things He continues to do as we serve Him. First, God loves us. He loved us before we became a Christian and He loves us after we accept His Son, Jesus Christ, as our Lord and Savior.


* How does the fact that God loves you, encourage to love God in return? How does it encourage you to love others?

* How can you share this love of God with others when they are struggling with hardships and trials? Can you make a commitment to be more sensitive to the needs of others so you can share God’s love with them? Pray about this on a regular basis so you can be used by God to bring His love into their lives.


Secondly, God gives us eternal comfort. No matter what happens in our life


* How does knowing your Heavenly Father desires to give you comfort in times of heartache and pain, encourage you in your relationship with Him? How do you think the Holy Spirit is used to comfort you during such storms of life?

* How can you share this godly comfort with others when they are struggling with hardships and trials? Can you make a commitment to be more sensitive to the needs of others so you can share God’s willingness to comfort them during their times of pain and agony? Pray about this on a regular basis so you can be used by God to bring His comfort into their lives. Always be willing to share the Gospel of salvation in such times so that people can be given the opportunity to become a child of God.


Thirdly, our Heavenly Father bestows upon us a good godly hope through His marvelous gift of grace. This hope is that we can know that He has a purpose for our lives no matter what struggles we go through. We have an eternal hope that we will spend eternity with Him in Heaven. There are many facets to the godly hope He gives us and we should seek to establish our hearts and minds on this hope as we face the storms of life.


* Why is having hope so necessary to living life in this difficult and evil world? Why is a good godly hope better than hope in the world or in mankind? How is this hope a critical part of sharing the Gospel with those who do not know Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord? Can you make a commitment to share this hope with those you meet on a daily basis and with family members?


God also continues to grant us two important things for our spiritual well-being. First, He comforts us as we walk forward into our new life in Christ.


* Walking with Christ and keeping in step with the Spirit who lives within us is not always easy. How does the comfort God grants us as we move on in our relationship with Him enable us to live as we should, glorying our Heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit? Consider this next week to notice how God comforts you through His Word, through other followers of Christ and through the holy habit of prayer you practice.


Secondly, our Heavenly Father strengthens our hearts as we serve Him in good works we do because we love Him and in the good words we share about the Living Word, Jesus Christ, which is the Gospel that can save men and women we meet in our everyday lives.


* How do you think God gives you strength to live the life of a follower of Christ? Does this strength come from knowing His Word? Does this empowerment come from keeping in step with the Spirit and letting Him lead you in your Christian life? How are you using the Word of God to grow in your faith, allowing the knowledge of the Word to strengthen you? How are you obeying the promptings of the Holy Spirit so that you remain strong in your witness as a believer?

* Look up the following scriptures and write down how each of them can be a help you during a time of hardship. Psalm 23:4, Psalm 37:24, Psalm 73:21-23, Matthew 28:20 Hebrews 13:5-6. How can these verses help you counsel others who are going through trials in life?


Further Notes:


Charles Swindoll in his commentary on 2 Thessalonians suggests five objectives that God may want to accomplish in our lives when we suffer in trials and tribulations;

First, to develop our faith.

Secondly, to expose error in our lives.

Thirdly, to help us learn obedience.

Fourthly, to humble us.

Fiftly, to bring glory to God as we trust Him.


He also shares that there are three benefits to those who endure suffering and hardship through trusting God.

First we increase our ability to comfort others.

Secondly our dependency on God grows.

Lastly, we learn to give things in all things.


Warren Wiersbe in his commentary on 2 Thessalonians states that followers of Christ have four responsibilities to God’s truth.

First, we are to believe the truth (2 Thessalonians 2:13-14).

Secondly, we are to guard the truth (2 Thessalonians 2:15).

Thirdly, we are to practice the truth (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17).

Fourthly, we are to share the truth (2 Thessalonians 3:1-5).